Number Line Lesson

Topic: Mathematics / Cycle 5/6
Time:  Duration 1hour

Objectives:  For students to learn place value, read a number line, and learn the symbols greater and less than.

1 • To solve a situational problem related to a mathematical competency
2 • To reason using mathematical concepts and processes
3 • To communicate by using mathematical language

Cross Curricular Competencies:  To work with others & to solve problems

Materials:  Students will need large pieces of white paper and coloured markers.

Introduction:  Students will play a game on place value. I will draw the number line on the black board (showing ones, tens, hundreds) and I will give each student a number and they must stand in front of the right place on the number line. I will also use decimal places.(*This is intended to be a fun and interactive way to introduce students to the mathematical concepts.)

1.      After playing the game, students will be broken off into groups by table.

2.      Each group will be given one large sheet of white paper and they will need coloured pencils or markers.

3.      Groups will draw the number line on their sheets.

4.      Each group must come up with at least ten large numbers for another group. These numbers must be in the thousands or millions and must also use decimals.

5.      The groups must try to stump the other groups with large numbers.

6.      Once groups exchange numbers, they must draw these numbers onto the number line. (The number values will have to be colour coded. Thousands in red. Hundreds in blue….ext.)

7.      They must state whether each number is greater or less than the other numbers and place the numbers into numerical order.

8.      Groups must check each others work. Did they stump their neighbours?

9.      Students should now be ready to complete their work pages in their math books.

Assessment:  Assessment will be based upon student understanding and final completed work in their work books.

Classroom management:  The class will be broken off into groups by tables. These groups will be monitored at all times. If the students are too loud or disruptive during the game part of the lesson, it will have to be cut short.

Conclusion:   To end the lesson students will need to complete the appropriate pages in their math text books dealing with place value and number lines. If they do not finish their work in class, it will assigned for homework.
